人 NEU1 (NM_000434) cDNA克隆

Accession: NM_000434
基因名称: NEU1
基因别名: NEU; NANH; SIAL1
基因描述: Homo sapiens sialidase 1 (lysosomal sialidase) (NEU1), mRNA.
种属: Human
CDS区长度: 1248 (查看编码区序列)
翻译后氨基酸长度: 415 (查看氨基酸序列)
产品编号 产品名称 载体 规格 价格
G101746 人 NEU1 (NM_000434) cDNA克隆 pDONR223 2ug质粒 点击询价

The protein encoded by this gene is a lysosomal enzyme that cleaves terminal sialic acid residues from substrates such as glycoproteins and glycolipids. In the lysosome, this enzyme is part of a heterotrimeric complex together with beta-galactosidase and cathepsin A (the latter is also referred to as 'protective protein'). Mutations in this gene can lead to sialidosis, a lysosomal storage disease that can be type 1 (cherry red spot-myoclonus syndrome or normosomatic type), which is late-onset, or type 2 (the dysmorphic type), which occurs at an earlier age with increased severity. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]