人 RER1 (NM_007033) cDNA克隆

Accession: NM_007033
基因名称: RER1
基因别名: RP4-740C4.2
基因描述: Homo sapiens retention in endoplasmic reticulum sorting receptor 1 (RER1), mRNA.
种属: Human
CDS区长度: 591 (查看编码区序列)
翻译后氨基酸长度: 196 (查看氨基酸序列)
产品编号 产品名称 载体 规格 价格
G113238 人 RER1 (NM_007033) cDNA克隆 pDONR223 2ug质粒 点击询价

The protein encoded by this gene is a multi-pass membrane protein that is localized to the golgi apparatus. It is involved in the retention of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane proteins in the ER and retrieval of ER membrane proteins from the early Golgi compartment to facilitate gamma-secretase complex assembly. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2009]