小鼠 Pcdh17 (NM_001013753) cDNA克隆

Accession: NM_001013753
基因名称: Pcdh17
基因别名: Gm78; C030033F14Rik
基因描述: Mus musculus protocadherin 17 (Pcdh17), mRNA.
种属: Mouse
CDS区长度: 3474 (查看编码区序列)
翻译后氨基酸长度: 1157 (查看氨基酸序列)
产品编号 产品名称 载体 规格 价格
G168915 小鼠 Pcdh17 (NM_001013753) cDNA克隆 pDONR223 2ug质粒 点击询价

This gene belongs to the protocadherin gene family, a subfamily of the cadherin superfamily. The encoded protein contains six extracellular cadherin domains, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic tail differing from those of the classical cadherins. The encoded protein may play a role in the establishment and function of specific cell-cell connections in the brain. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2009]