人 RANBP3 (NM_007322) cDNA克隆

Accession: NM_007322
基因名称: RANBP3
基因描述: Homo sapiens RAN binding protein 3 (RANBP3), transcript variant RANBP3-d, mRNA.
种属: Human
CDS区长度: 1704 (查看编码区序列)
翻译后氨基酸长度: 567 (查看氨基酸序列)
Transcript Variant: This variant (RANBP3-d) represents the longest transcript and encodes the longest isoform (RANBP3-d).
产品编号 产品名称 载体 规格 价格
G106466 人 RANBP3 (NM_007322) cDNA克隆 pDONR223 2ug质粒 点击询价
人 RANBP3 (NM_003624) cDNA克隆 transcript variant RANBP3-a
人 RANBP3 (NM_007320) cDNA克隆 transcript variant RANBP3-b
人 RANBP3 (NM_007322) cDNA克隆 transcript variant RANBP3-d

This gene encodes a protein with a RanBD1 domain that is found in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. This protein plays a role in nuclear export as part of a heteromeric complex. Alternate transcriptional splice variants, encoding different isoforms, have been characterized. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]